6 Reasons to stop looking at your smart phone
Here are some arguments that might make you want to give your phone a break for a bit
1. Smartphones damage the eyes
The human eye is an incredible organ,capable of a wide variety of tasks.unfortunately, smartphone culture is reducing the amount of long distance focusing we do by locking our gaze a few inches away from our face and keeping it there.
2. Smartphones are bad for sleep
Many people have a hard time putting down their cell phone before bed when your twitter interactions are going crazy, taking onr more look is hard to resist.unfortunately, a number of studies have revealed that using LED screens -especially close to your face -can upset your natural sleeping cycle
3. Smartphone make you unlikable
Studies have revealed that frequent peeks at your device moght damage your friendship as much as your eyes.A 2012 university of Essex stude found that the mere presence of a mobile device can make people have negative impression of us.
4. Smartphones carry bacteria
Its given that pretty much any object we come into contact within the course of a day is absolutely teeming with bacteria,but cell phones carry extra dangers because we bring them into close proximity with our ears and mouth
5. Smartphones are bad for your back
Our head is a heavy object, and the neck and spine are designed to keep it up at a certain angle. When we tilt our head down to look at our phone, it increases pressure on our cervical spine, which has been shown to increase upper back and neck pain.The medical ailment is named "text back"
6. Smartphones make you more stressed
A study at university of Gothenburg in Sweden attempted to measure the effects of cell phone usage on people in their 20s over the course of a year. The findings were worrisome. Results show that high mobile phone use was directly correlated to increased reports of depression in both men and women
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