Types of postural deformities and their corrective measures

There are many types of postural deformities like kyphosis, scoliosis ,knock-knees ,etc  .These postural deformities reduce the efficiency of individual to great extent and cause many more health problems. These can easily be corrected or prevented if early step are taken .There are many types corrective asanas and exercises which are helpful to correct these postural deformities.





This is the problem of thoracic cage and clevical spine i.e. an abnormal CURVATURE of spine at front .It causes hump at the back not your body .Thus, shoulder comes forward and neck drops forward . This postural deformity causes convexity o thoracic cage. It causes unbalanced position of individual during standing and lot of pressure over toes.



Lye down as your your  chest is towards the ground and legs straight, start raising the upper part of the body without the support of hands while looking up.


First of all, lie flat comfortably on your back. Try to make your neck and shoulder muscles relax. Rest your arm on each side of your body and have a gap as wide as mat between your legs. Hand should face upward. Eyes should be closed. Now try to feel your body and its parts.


Lye down as your your  chest is towards the ground and legs straight, start raising the upper part of the body without the support of hands while looking up.


It is the postural defect in which shoulder become round and sometimes they are projected forward. The chin is downward and head is bent forward .This gives the round shape of the shoulder.
The main causes of round shoulders are :
carrying overloaded school bag by children ,wearing tight fitted shoes, weak muscles of chest and shoulder , wrong posture during reading and writing over chair.


1.Chakra Asana: 

in this, body is lifted up while hands and feet are on the surface.

2.Dhanur Asana:

from pro lying position the pper and lower body is raised up with support of hands .Body balances on abdomen.

3.Ushtt Asana:

from pro lying position of vajra asana body is bent backward while chest is raised up. Hands hold the ankle while looking up.


Lordosis is the problem of lumber spine . In the postural deformity the lumber spine bends in front beyond the normal level . Lordosis is abnormal curvature of spine in front of lumbar spine .  
Thus, abdomen is ahead of body  and shoulder comes outward and sidewar. lordosis , the body weight is shifted backward. Thus ,lot if pressure is over heels. This problem is also known as hollow back .
The main causes of lordosis are:
weak abdomen muscles, overweight or obesity, sedentary lifestyle.


1.Pachimotan Asana:

in this legs are stretch forward , we try to touch the forehead to the knees while hands hold the feet. 

2. Hal Asana:

in this legs are raised up from the lying position . After raising legs, feet are bent forward so that it touches the surface behind the head.

3.Forward Bending:

body is bent forward while hands try to touch the toes.


It is the problem of spine in which vertibral column bends to sideward . Scoliosis causes one shoulder down and other is raised up. Body weight is shifted to sideward and it causes a lot of pressure on one side of the foot.
The main causes of scoliosis are:
diefference in leg length , lifting weight towards one side in routine etc.


1.Ardh Chakra Asana

in this , body is bent sideward while standing with feet apart . one hand should be close to head.

2.Trikon Asana:

in this body is bent side with feet apart while apposite hand tries to touch the feet and other hand is raised up.


in this body is stretched up over a horizontal bar while body weight hanging vertically and lifted up.


In this postural deformity, the legs are bent inward and knees strike each other while walking or running. In knock knees problem, the knees join together while there is a wide gap 
 the ankle varying directly with degrees of deformity.
The main causes of knock knees are:
rickets ,weak legs , obesity during childhood ,overweight


1.Vriksh Asana:

It is balancing on one foot while one leg is flexed resting on other leg. Hands are kept in front .

2.Akarn Dhanur Asana:

In this asana, the person stretches one leg near the ear whereas other hand holds the opposite leg straight.

3.Padma Asana:

It is the sitting with crossed legs in such a way that feet should touch the opposite hip while hands are on the knees and back is straight 


This is the defect of legs in which legs bend outward . The space between knees widens up and legs take curve shape. Bow legs cause a lot of pressure over the laterals edges of feet 
The main causes of bow legs are:
Rickets, deficiency in vitamin d and calcium in diet ,early childhood walking with weight ,obesity ,defaulted footwear ,etc.


1.Garud Asana:

In this body balances over one leg while other leg is rolled over the other leg. Hands are also rolled in front of face.

2.Walking inward:
In this person tries to walk with inner edges of the foot while the other edges f sole are raised.

3.Ardh Matasyendra Asana:

In the crossed leg sitting position ,one leg is placed over the other so that the foot touches the opposite hip whereas one hand supports the leg and other rolls over time.


Flat foot is  abnormal condition in which the arch of the foot collapses, with the entire sole of the foot coming into complete or near complete contact with the ground , i.e. no arch in the foot and the foot is completely flat . In this default of feeet ,person gives complete print of their sole over the inner curve of their foot over the plane surface.
 The main causes of flat foot :
Wearing flat slippers ,poor quality shoes without sole curves , obesity, prolonged sitting, weak muscles of foot.


1.Pressure Over Foot:

Flat footed person is to give pressure over the foot while toe and heels are at sides.

2.Writing with Foot:

Person is told to practice writing with foot or to pick p marbles with foot.

3.Regular Running:

The person is told to run fast barefooted over the clean surface.

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